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Recent content by jmaquatic

  1. 150 gallon aquarium

    Please close everything sold
  2. For Sale JBJ chiller 1/2 HP

    sold please close
  3. For Sale JBJ chiller 1/2 HP

    Need this gone ASAP open to offers
  4. For Sale JBJ chiller 1/2 HP

    Bump asking for $500
  5. 150 gallon aquarium

    I only have a 1/2 HP left
  6. 150 gallon aquarium

    Just one of them got really low balled so we agreed to pull one from the deal
  7. 150 gallon aquarium

    Tank sold please close
  8. For Sale JBJ chiller 1/2 HP

    I have a JBJ 1/2 chiller model # DA 500 -B Asking for $600.00 comes with temp control/ monitor located in Jersey City NJ https://www.jbjaquarium.com/temperature-control/arctica-chillers/commercial-series/
  9. 150 gallon aquarium

    At the moment complete not parting
  10. 150 gallon aquarium

    150 Gallon aquarium for sale everything you see goes tank stand sump rock fish lights large sump return pump skimmer RO system 2 chillers 1 1/2 HP and a 1hp. Asking for $2000.00 or best offer not looking to part out at the moment. The tank is still running the pics were taken a few days ago so...
  11. 150 gallon RR cube with hinged hood

    Hey I know the post is old but is the cube still for sale ?
  12. Rimless 60 cube

    Hey could I have pics of the tank ?
