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Recent content by joshp428

  1. DIY LED Build for 55g Recommendations?

    Hello everyone, my name is Josh and new to these forums. I'm looking to build/buy an led setup for my 55g Tanganyikan Rift Lake Cichlid Tank. (48x11x18). I currently run the GE F&S 9325k bulbs (pinkish) and while I'm happy with the color rendition for the most part, I don't get the fluorescent...
  2. J

    DIY LED Cichlid Tank Info and Cost I sent you an email as well but it in case you didn't get...

    DIY LED Cichlid Tank Info and Cost I sent you an email as well but it in case you didn't get it, here's the shorter part of the email with some tweaks. Tried to send you a pm but says your inbox is full and I can see why. You seem to be very knowledgeable and you also seem to have access and...
