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Recent content by jreef

  1. Tank breakdown

    Pythons are sold. Pm me which fish feeder, there are three of them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Tank breakdown

    Couple more Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Tank breakdown

    More pics Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Tank breakdown

    Finally going to sell the equipment i kept in the hope that I would eventually get a new tank (which I will not do for a while...). I am located in NYC (manhattan). While I would prefer a local pickup, I would ship (although the chiller and two big pumps are kind of heavy). I have pictures of...
  5. J

    Interested in the Rbta, what is the best you can do on price? Any chance you can deliver to NYC?

    Interested in the Rbta, what is the best you can do on price? Any chance you can deliver to NYC?
  6. chiller

    Pacific Coast has been nothing but problems for me. Recurring blown fuse issues (why would a chiller have a fuse????) until I wired out the fuse and now fan issues. I wouldn't buy another one, ever.
  7. SPS Frags for sale

    blue loseta
  8. SPS Frags for sale

  9. Getting out of the hobby, pick up in Astoria, Queens

    If he's still available, I'll take: Yellow belly Regal Angel ( Large ) $100 (as long as he's eating and not wasting away..don't care if he eats zoos) If regal is available (and health), I'll also take: 2x Blood red fire shrimp $20 each (BOTH) Let me know and thx. jason
  10. SPS Frags for sale

    Blue austera and blue slimer (third picture in first post) are trades Again, looking for unusual montis or tables (or unusual stuff generally).
  11. SPS Frags for sale

    Sorry for delay and still need to post pictures, been a crazy 2 wks. Purple polyp Birdsnest (1"), Millepora Fire-Coral (2"), green digi (2"), orange cap (1-2"), ORA green pociliopora (1-2"), ORA green birdsnest (1"), vics pulsing sinularia (look up on reef central) (1-2") each $20 $30 sky...
  12. SPS Frags for sale

    Above is Millepora Fire-Coral, Purple polyp Birdsnest and a blue slimer. I will upload more as soon as I have free time which will include a blue stag, ora green birdsnest, ora green pociliopors, orange/red cap, green/german blue/orange digi and pink polyp caps. Also have a huge colony of vics...
  13. SPS Frags for sale

    Pt 1
  14. Corals

    Sent pm
  15. Breaking Down Tank

    PM sent
