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Recent content by kgoldy

  1. 90 gallon, 40B display fuge, stand, etc breakdown sale

    A little about this system - and you can see the details in my tank thread - it was designed to be nearly maintenance free. I ran this system for nearly three years only adding kalkwasser via Auto-Top-Off, and food. No water changes, no chemicals, no skimmer. Had a full range of corals and...
  2. 90 gallon, 40B display fuge, stand, etc breakdown sale

    Giving everything a vinegar scrub down. 90 gallon is completely free of scratches, and original silicone beads are in great shape. 16 gallon Mangrove Fuge. This can also be used a place to safely acclimate/isolate fish and coral. Removed the rock wall to make the display fuge...
  3. 90 gallon, 40B display fuge, stand, etc breakdown sale

    Whole kit $400 90 gallon AGA, reef ready (plumbing left back corner) - 40B display fuge WITH LEAK to be repaired by buyer - 16 gallon custom "mangrove fuge" that hangs over back of 90 gallon - 20 (high?) tank for ATO - Tank stand (designed for 75, 90, or 120 AGA RR main tank, 40B...
  4. kgoldy's all natural reef system, PU only, LI 11710

    Bump for price drop. $1000 takes all.
  5. FS: kgoldy's shippable reef items (or PU in 11710)

    Been out of the state for a while, but I'm back! Updated first post for sold items. Also a note- I plugged in the RKE to test it for the first time since it's been in storage and the head unit is having issues. I'll post when Digital Aquatics gets back to me regarding diagnostics.
  6. FS: kgoldy's shippable reef items (or PU in 11710)

    2 x Ecotech Radions (Gen 1) with TIR Lenses ^Custom Aluminum rail system ^25ft USB extension cable for programming from a distance $900 all together or $450 per radion $25 for rail system $10 for USB extension cable 2 x Ecotech MP-40wES (need new wet sides. will ship with current wetsides...
  7. kgoldy's all natural reef system, PU only, LI 11710

    Hey all, classes just ended yesterday, so I finally have time to get rid of the rest of my hardware. For those who followed my last threads, you may know I had to give away most of my livestock for free due to a leak. I'm getting completely out of the hobby, so everything I have that is reef...
  8. kgoldy's no-maintenance reef system (all hardware) at swap

    Hey, life has been crazy so I've neglected the thread. Willing to part out, to a degree. $1200 for the 90 gallon, both fuges, the custom cabinet, all live sand and mud, return pump, and all fuge lighting. I would hate to see these separated, as they're all like puzzle pieces to the...
  9. kgoldy's no-maintenance reef system (all hardware) at swap

    Hey all, As some of you may know, I had to rip down my entire reef and sell the livestock for pennies on the dollar (and a lot of it went away for free or was donated to friendly reefkeepers). I'm getting out of the hobby for good and need the money to pay rent, so everything has to go...
