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Recent content by Killerdrgn

  1. Moving Sale - Everything Must Go!

    Corals for sale! $10 for everything! Cloves or something. Superman Mushrooms Green Palys
  2. Moving Sale - Everything Must Go!

    All fish and Mangroves have been picked up, they are no longer available. Thanks Myblock175, post pictures of their new digs!
  3. Moving Sale - Everything Must Go!

    Looks like the fish have been spoken for already, someone is on the way.
  4. Moving Sale - Everything Must Go!

    Responded to PM's will give preference to those that will be taking more than 1 thing.
  5. Moving Sale - Everything Must Go!

    Sorry about taking so long to get back to the post, some unexpected things came up. But as requested here are some pictures of the tanks. Full 90 gallon tank shot Back of the 90 Older photo of where I drilled the holes for the bulkheads A shot from this morning of the 90 gallon...
  6. Moving Sale - Everything Must Go!

    Haven't been on the boards for a long while, but I'm moving to the west coast and need to find good homes for my (now poorly taken care of) tank inhabitants. I'm not sure how much things normally cost now so everything is or best offer. Pickup at Forest Hills, NY, or smaller things could be...
  7. White plant like algae?

    Reefman, what is the ID on your posted picture?
  8. Anyone have any idea?

    That's how they get you though, pretty much no one fights these tickets. Shouldn't it be innocent until proven guilty and last time my parents got one they didn't attach a picture or anything. But of course they just went ahead and paid it, even though I told them to fight it.
  9. 344 sq feet apartment

    that's pretty amazing! I wonder if it would be good enough for NYC Fire codes and such.
  10. iPhone 4

    Just for the record 4G is no longer CDMA vs GSM, it's now WiMax vs LTE. Sprint is going WiMax and both AT&T and Verizon are going LTE. And I dunno where that 2 year "exclusive" 4G thing is coming from cause Verizon will have their LTE 4G networks up in the fall, and AT&T will have it 2012.
  11. World Cup

    Yeah that was pretty crazy, They have ESPN on all the TV's here instead of CNN today.
  12. What Does WYSIWYG Mean In Our Hobby ??

    For Sale or For Trade, What You See Is What You Get Two Tank Raised Percula ClownFish Fifteen Dollars Each Or Best Offer. Please Private Message. First Come First Serve, Thanks For Looking!
  13. NJ Charter Fishing Boats

    darn the fishing reports on the site look bad right now, darn coming to the end of the season i guess. Maybe we should get fluke and porgies instead.
  14. NJ Charter Fishing Boats

    Duhh... I didn't see that when I read it three times. And i'm guessing rods and bait are included in that $55 too right?
  15. please help... dont know what coral this is

    Acan? or a very close up shot of a dendro.
