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Recent content by kris4647

  1. Odontanthias borbonius available again?

    Anyone know where the influx of cheap Borbo's is coming from? They have dipped to $49 wholesale.
  2. Gigantae Influx

    Hello Supply Side! In the last month or so there has been an influx of Stichodactyla Gigantae carpet anemones. On the wholesale side I know they aren't differentiated from Haddoni. They are characterized by twitchy long tentacles and most times colored bases. I know you are aware of that but it...
  3. Incredible Puffer

    http://www.reefhotspot.com/store/produc ... ts_id=3965 This thing is incredible. In 15 years I've not seen this color. I'm sure some of you may have but wow.
  4. Chrysogasters and Latezonatus

    Send me your Lats and I will tell you :). j/k BlueZoo and one other that I would have to pm you.
  5. Chrysogasters and Latezonatus

    It seems the Gasters have landed. [Hope that spellling is close its 4am :)]. So hard to ID at this size tho http://img90.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1002794sz2.jpg Also saw one of the "Perch sized" Latez on a price sheet this week :;. Anyone have a line on a retail outlet for the Latez?
  6. Gems and Conspics

    Sent you a pm Tim
  7. Gems and Conspics

    So theres someone on ebay selling Gemmatum and Conspics at really attractive sizes not prices. What are your collective thoughts on pricing of either? Are there truly only two importers of these fish in the US? I've been away for a while its good to see this forum still alive. Like to see a...
  8. Sequence ReefFlo DART

    http://www.reefsolution.com/catalog/pro ... cts_id=390
  9. Beautiful Cap Clown!

    No email notification over here sorry. Probably not Theili, the only reason I say probably is that only a handful of Theili have ever made it state side. And the ID on them in the relevant publications and [IME] the "rare clown" community is very vague. The only one I ever saw was very orange...
  10. Beautiful Cap Clown!

    ************Honk**********Honk*********** The Thread is derailing *************Honk*********Siren************ Ah hem :lol: The species in question is A.Leucokranos. Definately a rarity in the clown world. It is thought to be a hybrid between A.Sandarcinos and A.Chrysopterus. Beautiful...
  11. Beautiful Cap Clown!

    Len your former Cap is still eating me out of house and home... Naka did you score that at Village... Just curious its got the same coloration as one there last weekend. First one I've seen locally in years...
  12. HOT TIP Submissions -- Topic: Plumbing Tips

    Keep forgetting the notify button :D I think back pressure is a relatively generalized term. In our industry[normally] back pressure is held on many process systems based on the spill back system we discussed earlier [Discharge output -->Suction input]. I have heard the term, especially in...
  13. HOT TIP Submissions -- Topic: Plumbing Tips

    I really know very little about Aquamedic pumps. With the impeller set-up like it is I would guess flow, but it could be a whole different ballgame with what I would call a "Power Head" type pump. [Nothing implied there, just how I know them.] The flow curves in the manual say "flow" as well...
  14. HOT TIP Submissions -- Topic: Plumbing Tips

    Pressure rated centrifugal pumps actually throttle down in the presence of back pressure; you can see this on the amp draw if you watch while increasing head pressure. So the pump doesnt "fight" the pressure by drawing more amps it actually adjusts itself to the increase in pressure. In light of...
  15. Anyone Using XM 250w 10k..

    Ive heard some buzz about these lately and seen the comparison on the Cnidarian site. Anyone out there using them now? Pleased with them? Love to hear some about them. Thanks for your help!!
