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Recent content by Lenny718

  1. Biota captive breed blue tang

    Still available
  2. COOL! WTB Tangs

    I have a medium biota captive breed blue hippo. Check my FS post
  3. Biota captive breed blue tang

    I also have a video of him/her eating but it wouldn’t post.
  4. Biota captive breed blue tang

    Getting a little big for my tank so I’d like to re home it. 100% captive breed hippo tang from Biota. When I purchased it was about the size of a quarter, now I’d say it about 2 1/2 inches maybe a little bigger/smaller. Asking $150 or trade for LPS coral. Pick up in Staten Island 10312
  5. Jebao SLW-10 Fish/Anemone guards

    Like brand new condition. Plastic 3D printed and perfect fit. Only selling cause I upgraded to a larger pump. $5 each and I have 2. Pick up in Staten Island 10312
  6. 10g Waterbox cube and stand

    Sold , Mods please close
  7. 10g Waterbox cube and stand

    Last price reduction $200. If no takers it will be cleaned and put in storage. Will be ready for pickup Saturday
  8. 10g Waterbox cube and stand

    Updated price, $250 or trade for corals
  9. 10g Waterbox cube and stand

  10. 10g Waterbox cube and stand

    Tank will be empty and ready for pickup next Saturday
  11. 10g Waterbox cube and stand

    Upgrading to something bigger so this one has to go. 10g waterbox AIO cube, Intank Media Basket, mesh top and black wood stand. Everything is in excellent condition and not one scratch on the tank. Only about 4 months old. No livestock, light or powerheads included although if you need sand it’s...
  12. Wtb Green Slimer on Staten Island

    Anyone on Staten Island have a nice size frag of green slimer?
  13. Small/Medium magnificent anemone

    I’ve had it a little over a month and was previously in captivity for 6 months before I purchased it. 100% healthy and I’m only selling cause it’s a little much for my 10g cube, looking for something like a carpet that prefers the sand bed and not taking up the little rock work I have. Selling...
  14. Wtb carpet anemone

    Anyone have a small/medium carpet anemone?
