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lionel ocasio

My Aquarium(s)
36g bowfront tank. 300w adjustable heater. X1 480gph WaveMaker. X1 c360 magniflow canister. X1 50gph uv sterilizer. 30lbs of dry rock. 6lbs of live rock. Make my own rodi water and instant ocean salt mixed at home. X1 nicrew 36w dual channel reef light...white, green, and blue hues with timers. 20lbs of pink Fiji live sand. Digital temp gauge. Various brands of tests for ph, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, salinity, magnesium, and calcium. 2 Oscrellis clowns 1 royal gramma 2 Banggai cardinalfish 3 Pajama cardinalfish 1 blue reef chromis 1 yellow banded possum wrasse 1 diamond goby 1 purple fire goby 1 orange citron goby 2 cleaner shrimp 3 peppermint shrimp 20 assorted snails 10 blue hermit crabs I also added some zoas, polyps, and 1 candy cane mushroom for corals. They are all doing very well. Small right now but I'll take some pictures when I can. I changed from regular instant ocean salt to reef crystal instant ocean salt. I am also creating my own rodi water now makes it much easier.
