Morning Paul, I saw the piece on news 12 it was really nice . I was impressed by your acting ability :)
If I was Scorsese I would cast DeNiro but of cause he would have to shave his head. I could see him staring at the fish tank say "Are you looking at me "
IMO it's fine to add dry rock if it's new rock, if it is used rock that had dried out it might release a bunch of decaying matter and mess up your bio load
If you want to add dry sand rinse it put it in a plastic bag lower it to the bottom, slit the bag and let it come out slowly hth
Hi Paul the angelfish is about year and half old bought him the size of a quarter. The tang is a yellow scopas tang that is about 7 years old he actually is extremely healthy but was given to me all ready beaten up . Unlike a lot of fish I was never able to grow his fins back. I forgot all...
Paul Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas !!!! Thanks again for your entertaining post, You should get a column in Newsday because my friend you are spot on and funny. I do have a suggestion for your electronic problems its called youtube. It will tell you how to use any equipment
Be Safe
I have used them for a couple of years for dogs cats etc, When covid struck there where massive delays in mailing, but the they emailed and refunded my money. I have no attachment to this company and you should make your own decisions but using then has worked for me