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Recent content by longislandcichlid

  1. What's really going on in Hawaii.

    Great Share! Thank you!
  2. Commercial shoot closed 8/17 until 7pm

    please post some photos love to see that!
  3. Where is this hobby headed.

    The internet is killing the lfs. Speaking to owners of my lfs it is cheaper most of the time for them to buy items online then through their wholesaler. Most wont even carry big ticket items like lights because there is no profit in it. I guess its a double edge sword you buy online to save a...
  4. Where is this hobby headed.

    I would love to see a meeting room in a lfs but I would think they don't want customers trading frags and fish, killing their sales. With the comic books and cards something is coming out every month and the meetings help drive those sales. It would really take a miracle to save the industry. So...
  5. Where is this hobby headed.

    Totally Agree! It is no longer a profitable industry in any aspect. Even the guys who have been in it for decades are going belly up. Petland Discounts had over a 100 stores in its prime now only has 6 and 4 of them are going close with in the next 2 year. I have watched so many great stores go...
