30 gal. with lots of live rock 12# softys 6#fish prizum p. s. aquclear 50. a 20 gal. wisper filter. 2# 96 watt blups.420 nm. 12000k. 44 gal. lots of rock 16# softys prizum p.s. aquceal 50 and 70. 2 65 watt pc 2 20watt t 12. 75 gal. is bing bilt still! i have a p.c. with 4 65 watt light,miny g skimer sand and the tank is has a bilt in over flow.i have glass hood. and hang on back refum,with ptskimer. i have 50 gal. sump from lowes. refumyum. and sill filling up with live rock.