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Recent content by lopeznora

  1. For all you photographers

    Nikon D3100
  2. Salt question

    The best salt in my opinion is Tropic Marin. We switched to it at our store and have had much better luck with our coral. Brighter colors and more polyp extension.
  3. Opinion on LED's?

    This is Awesome image...
  4. picture help

    Hi Most of us Use Photoshop. and i also write list of image editing softwares list like Pixelmator Inkscape Fireworks GIMP Photoshop and i also give you one link for your reference.>>>http://sixrevisions.com/tools/web-based-image-editors/
  5. picture help

    Hi Most of us Use Photoshop. and i also write list of image editing softwares list like Pixelmator Inkscape Fireworks GIMP Photoshop and i also give you one link for your reference.>>>http://sixrevisions.com/tools/web-based-image-editors/
  6. Cannon t3i camera good??

    The T3i is more than a prosumer digital, it is a gateway to significant achievements in your photography. Pair it with imagination, a keen eye, a little luck, practice, some good glass, and you can capture, manipulate, fine tune, and present images that WILL INFLUENCE FOREVER.
  7. What are the differences in iodide and iodine ??

    Iodine does not enter thyroid cells. It's iodide which is absorbed and enter thyroid cells through what are called 'Iodine Traps.' I have no idea why they've been given this term when they actually absorb iodide. iodide is absorbed, waiting to be converted into iodine which is then used...
  8. HowTo: Youtube

    Make the informative and useful video and Share videos with friends, family, and the world.
  9. Photo of the Week Thread II

    Amazing collection at one place.
  10. some of my gems

    It looks Amazing !
