This is awesome I am already salivating with the thought of getting these little SOB's out of my system.
I would like to Thank Dustin for all the work and time spent on this project and with keeping us updated. Also would like to Thank those who have volunteered their tanks for this research...
Hi all
The tank is used primarily for Propagation, even though I have not done any yet.
You can see the set up at
not a very good pic, but you get the picture
IMO the only thing that seperates refractometers is the auto temp calibration feature, which I think is very important. I Got the first one from marinedepot and I am very happy with it.HTH
Coralline algae does not care what type of lighting you have you can have coralline in a tank that is completely dark. Good coralline growth depends on Alk and Calcium make sure these to Parameters are good. 400PPm for calcium and 10-12 DKH for Alk. HTH
IMO do yourself a favor and purchase a Icecap 660 this way you can upgrade your lighting if need be. The ballast comes with the wiring harness all you will need is some endcaps. HTH
DO NOT USE COPPER in your main tank you can try it out in a hospitial tank, but I would not waste my time. Garlic paste works very well mix it up in your fishes food let it soak in for awhile. This is a temp soultion if your water parmeters are bad all the garlic paste in the world will not...