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Recent content by lsher

  1. lsher

    Hi Brian I hope all is well Just moved back home. How is your tank doing? Lloyd

    Hi Brian I hope all is well Just moved back home. How is your tank doing? Lloyd
  2. How do you get rid of your salt water?

    Hi All - Looking for some advice ... I usually dispose of my dirty salt water in the street. Not sure if this is the right thing. I don't send it down my drains as I'm worried about corrosion from the salt. Recently I've noticed some cracking in my street pavement. Not sure if its from the...
  3. iphone crack screen

    try ... http://iphone3gscreenrepair.com/ same day service ... i was going to use them for my wife's 3g but decided to get her a new 3gs and sell the old one on ebay ... for 8gb 3g you can get around $300 bucks for it online ... slightly less with cracked screen
  4. Rbta

    Still looking Sent from my iPhone using Reefs
  5. PacificSun LED Lighting Pics & Feedback

    The AI unit has a controller but it can also work with 3rd party controllers. Does Pacific Sun have better LEDs? What kind of LED's are PS using? With this technology being so new it's hard to compare things apple/apples and make an informed decision. Lloyd
  6. Rbta

    Looking for small to medium size ...
  7. PacificSun LED Lighting Pics & Feedback

    Looks great!! I'm intrested in getting some LED's but not sure which ones to get. Anyone know the difference between the Pacific Sun and Aquailluminations? I believe AI has good external controller support (ie. DA and Profilux) and appears to be a little cheaper...
  8. InTank Media basket for Aquapod 24 came in

    i have one for my CADlight 25g ... love it!! SteveT does a good job on these!
  9. 72 RR Bow Front tank, Stand, sump, and Plumbing

    may be interested ... pls pm pics
  10. Zoos, LPS For Sale

    thanks ... thats much better ... i'll take AOG and EWF and maybe sun coral PM sent
  11. Zoos, LPS For Sale

    not so much. depending on what shape there in i'll take AOG
  12. full 90 gallon rr everything needed to start!!! f/s

    interested in the tank, stand, and canopy if your parting out pm me .. lmk
  13. lsher

    same old ... u?

    same old ... u?
  14. F/S or F/T Vortech MP40w Gen 2

    i know ... shocked me too ... now i need a MP10, anyone know where i can find a good price on one?
  15. F/S or F/T Vortech MP40w Gen 2

    sold to chalan. Chalan best of luck with the setup and nice meeting you. mods pls close this thread
