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Recent content by LTrain

  1. How old is your oldest fish?

    yellow tang since 10/00, so over five years now. pink psuedochromis for 6.5 years, in a previous tank/life, a pair of ocellaris that between me and a subsequent adoptee went 10 plus years.
  2. Aiptasia Survivability?

    I had a mini-reef get infested with buggers, and as I wanted to transfer frags b/t main tank and mini, I decided to just take down the whole mini-reef, which at the time had aiptasia covering all the rocks and in/on the gravel... those rocks and gravel have been dry and unused for at least 6mos...
  3. Killing aiptasia

    Do NOT wait to see if the first one spreads. I just tore down my 10 nano that turned into a aiptasia farm from one import on a piece of liverock rubble...I tried injecting boiling water for a while, but couldn't keep up. There was finally probably about 50-70 of the buggers in the tank ranging...
  4. Does anyone keep Jawfish?

    I had to learn the hard way... make sure your tank is covered, at least in the beginning... Jaws are prone to jumping when stressed, and they will tend to find the one spot you don't cover up... I've heard...this isn't as much of a problem once they are settled in...
  5. yellow tang starving all of a sudden

    Oh yeah, I forgot, I know that myself and others have had some success with soaking food (brine shirmp, in my case) with liquid garlic extract...do a search on the board, I've found it did seem to help appetite and with ich, though the scientific evidence is largely lacking as to why...
  6. yellow tang starving all of a sudden

    I'm not a member of the tang police, but I was curious as to the size of your tank. Having inadvertently starved a tang in the past, I've learned alot, my current yellow tang I've had healthy for almost 4 years now...(in a 75) I've learned that I really can't give him enough Nori to eat. His...
  7. Clown won't leave surface

    Inhabitants: pink zenia, orange ricordia, small frogspawn, small star polyp colony, numerous aipaptasia of various sizes, tons of pods and bristleworms. Light box: just wood with no reflector, inside painted gloss white, normal endcaps and ballast is grounded, but I can't be sure how well...
  8. Clown won't leave surface

    I'm pretty sure he's captive bred, it is a small gs maroon, which I plan on moving into my 75 after he grows up a bit... putting the cover between the lights and the tank seems to be helping greatly, but it does raise future O2 concerns....
  9. Clown won't leave surface

    Thanks again for the replies. As for elaborating the behavior, the clown was basically just cruising around the top, like a shark, rarely dipping below about 2 inches into the column. I've put in an overflow box and dropped an airstone into the refugium...however, I noticed last night after...
  10. Clown won't leave surface

    Thanks for the replies. No skimmer. I just now put on a surface skimmer (the only current for the tank is rio 600 powering an 18x4 HOB refugium). I may try adding an airstone to the refugium or seeing if I can find an old powerhead to drop in... Also, he isn't doing the lay on the side thing...
  11. Clown won't leave surface

    After about 6 months I've recently tried another small clown in my 10 nano. No other fish. 6 months ago I tried one and he never left the surface and eventually jumped...Now I'm gettting the same behavior. Last time I felt stray voltage was the culprit, so I've got a grounding probe now, but...
  12. perculas known to be jumpers?

    I had a maroon jump recently, after doing some research and checking I'm pretty sure it was because of a stray voltage...I'll be using grounding probes from now on...stray voltage seems to me to affect fish on an individual basis, but I could be wrong about that...
  13. Corals thrive, fish die???

    Thanks for the replies. I know a grounding probe can prevent the problem, but what is the best way to detect the problem? Is there a good way in the context of an aquarium?
  14. Corals thrive, fish die???

    I'll try to keep a long story short: 10+ yrs in hobby, longtime lurker, infrequent poster. 75g FOWLR, some shrooms. Tank has been doing great for 3+ years with current livestock...I set up a 10 gallon for temporary residence of a jawfish I tried to add to the main tank but that was just getting...
  15. calcite v. argonite

    From last month's article: In normal seawater, equation 3 holds (supersaturation). The product of calcium and carbonate is about 3 times the Ksp* of aragonite and 5 times that of calcite (aragonite and calcite are different crystal forms of calcium carbonate; these differences will be discussed...
