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Recent content by Macropora

  1. Mosreef Inc Store

    Just found this thread. Congrats Steve on your brick and mortar shop! Need to stop by and check out your store one day when I'm in the area.
  2. For Sale Large rubbermaid and polypropylene circular tubs for sale

    100 gallon polypropylene tank SOLD!
  3. For Sale Large rubbermaid and polypropylene circular tubs for sale

    150 Gallon Rubbermaid stock tank SOLD!
  4. 60 Gallon All-in-One Reef Ready Cube with custom stand for sale

    Sold! Mods please close thread. Thank you
  5. For Sale Large rubbermaid and polypropylene circular tubs for sale

    Selling a 150 gallon rubbermaid stock tank for $125 $100 and a 100 gallon polypropylene tank (~27" High x 42" diameter) for $100 $80. Cash and carry. Pickup in Bayside Queens.
  6. BRS Doser for Sale

    Sold! Mods please close thread. Thank you.
