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Recent content by Marinedetailer

  1. Wtb: 200-300 gallon tank

    Good evening boss l have a 300G reef ready text me if interested (914)7740412 David
  2. Equipment Garage clean out

    Good afternoon boss, still those lights available You can text me directly (914)7740412
  3. Reef Dynamics External Skimmer - 12" body Recirc

    Good morning, where are You located
  4. The Fish Bowl - Hawaiian YELLOW TANGS and full stock list

    Good afternoon, do you still have any yellow tangs? Thanks David
  5. Yellow tang for sale 150$

    good night let me know I take it
  6. Radion pro radion 30rx 3G

    can you text me at (914)7740412 David
  7. Radion pro radion 30rx 3G

    do you have more or just 2?
  8. Radion pro radion 30rx 3G

    Good evening are the 2 of them still available?
  9. Torches for sale

    Good night jay where are you located text me if easier (914)7740412 David
  10. For Sale 4” Achilles Tang SOLD

    Good night, where are you located, please text me at 9147740412
  11. RedSea 525xl

    Please text me at 914 7740412 New rochelle NY 10805
  12. RedSea 525xl

    Red Sea 525xl
  13. RedSea 525xl

    Red Sea 525xl
  14. ReefMat 1200

    Brand new Reef Mat 1200, never opened. (914) 7740412
  15. Looking for a new reef ready set up

    Ready to go
