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Recent content by Megalodon

  1. Contest #1: LPS Corals

    PLEASE NOTE: Rules prohibit this type of comment in the photo contest entry thread . If you wish to ask a question, please place the question in the forum under its own thread. Thanks. Wade
  2. Large Welsh Reef Tank

    First of all, what an amazing tank my friend. Looks fantastic!!! Quick question, How do you keep a green carpet anemone with all of these corals? I have heard they are prone to stinging anything that gets in their way.
  3. Need some help regarding my 2 Clowns

    What do you feed your Mandarin? I know they are known to starve if there is not enough live rock in the tank.
  4. Need some help regarding my 2 Clowns

    Great looking website by the way!!!!
  5. Need some help regarding my 2 Clowns

    Thanks for the reply. Believe it or not, I recently upgraded to a 100 gallon ocean view tank. It looks great. I moved my fish and corals to my new tank about a month ago. Currently I have 1 yellow tang, my clowns and 1 gramma. I also purchased 2 green mandarins. A male and female. It's funny...
  6. Need some help regarding my 2 Clowns

    Guess I am a little out of my leauge here.
  7. Need some help regarding my 2 Clowns

    I am running a 65 gal tank with built-in D.A.S filtration. I am running 3 compact fluorescent tubes at 256 watts total. About 40 lbs of live rock, live sand, long tentacle sea anemone, 2 xenia’s, button polyp and a leather coral. D.A.S skimmer. I purchased 2 clarkii clowns from Dallas North...
