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Recent content by MeMo1

  1. peek a boo

    thanks mr x. in most of the books and sites , they wrote it is the last fish to put in the tank becouse of it is very agressive and 100 % eats small fish
  2. peek a boo

    here is my killer arc eye hawk, it ate 3 tuka anthias,1 dispar and mandrin in a week
  3. xenia problem

    hi when i woke up this morning i found half of my xenia on the sand and closed and not pulsing and the other half stays on the rock not pulsing and closed like the other half what cause this problem ? i have one arc eye hawk fish he is hungry is it possible hawk eat xenias thanks
  4. high iodine

    hi everyone i tested my idoine with salifert test and the result is more than 0,1 it is high i think, what will high iodine do to my sps corals ?, are they browning because of high iodine? and how can i getrid of this amount light: 2x 150w 14 k phoenix mh, 2x 24 w compact t5 blue 4x 39 w...
  5. id pls

    hi everyone! can you id this acro pls it is dark purple and has green tips thanks...
  6. What in Neptune's World?

    turbinaria sp. i think :roll:
  7. brown acropora turning green

    hi i put it 2 weeks ago and its turning green from bottom, is this normal cause i knew that acros get color from the tips
  8. schuran pico ca reactor

    anyone using this reactor how its performance? thanks...
  9. My first sps

    i just bougth it today and it looks very good
  10. magnesium help

    hi everyone im in trouble with calcium and magnesium my calcium is about 380 ppm but magnesium is 1600 ppm magnesium is very high , what will i do ? how can i decrease the magnesium and increase the CA. and what parameters should they be i have 1 bubble coral,1 leather coral, 1 giant...
  11. SPS tank - Feed it?

    few chromis can be good
  12. new setup

    another shot
  13. new setup

    thanks, tank is 100x90x55(h) cm. 160 gallon with sump im not planning to put more fish, because its going to be a sps tank but i think one flame hawk and anthias can be great in this tank.
  14. new setup

    hi everyone, i setup tank on 9th april its getting better more pics comming...
  15. id

    hi everyone, is it rose bta or what? thanks...
