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Recent content by michaelrc51

  1. Royal Exclusiv Dreambox 7B

    Sold pending payment Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  2. Royal Exclusiv Dreambox 7B

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  3. Royal Exclusiv Dreambox 7B

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  4. Royal Exclusiv Dreambox 7B

    I will if I don?t get that price. Already have a few parties who sound viable tho. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  5. Royal Exclusiv Dreambox 7B

    Bump, PMs replied Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  6. Royal Exclusiv Dreambox 7B

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  7. Royal Exclusiv Dreambox 7B

    Price on this one is a bit higher due to dual return pumps and the reactors and all. This sump is good for over 500 gallon tanks. Bump Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. DSA 225 Pro Tank/ stand/ canopy

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  9. Royal Exclusiv Dreambox 7B

    I know the price seems like a lot but you have to remember, there is a lot of equipment there. There is $4k just between the pumps and skimmer, not including the 80watt pump. If you take into account the cost of all of the equipment, you are paying very little for the actual sump. Dimensions...
  10. Royal Exclusiv Dreambox 7B

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  11. Royal Exclusiv Dreambox 7B

    I ordered this Royal Exclusiv Dreambox 7B and waited the 6 months it took to construct it. It really is a work of art. I'm not going to be setting it up for another 2 years so I am putting this out to see if someone wants to save a few $$$ over ordering a new one and waiting. The specs...
  12. MP60WQD, Apex WXM, Kessil AP700 all new in the box

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  13. DSA 225 Pro Tank/ stand/ canopy

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  14. DSA 225 Pro Tank/ stand/ canopy

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  15. MP60WQD, Apex WXM, Kessil AP700 all new in the box

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