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Recent content by Miltoncj

  1. Elos 120 + equipment

    down to 2k.
  2. M

    Hi, are you interested ins selling my setup in your store?

    Hi, are you interested ins selling my setup in your store?
  3. M

    Hi, are you still interested in just tank and basic Elos setup?

    Hi, are you still interested in just tank and basic Elos setup?
  4. Elos 120 + equipment

    cutting down to $2800 or best offer
  5. Elos 120 + equipment

    hello there, I'm selling my Elos 120 system + a lot of equipment. Looking to bundle it all and have preference for local offers (NYC). Elos System 120- Marine 90 gallon ? Full system with PS1000 Aqua Logic Trimline Cyclone 1/4HP Chiller TLC-3 with Temperature Controller Korallin Calcium...
  6. M

    sure, definitely open to part it out

    sure, definitely open to part it out
  7. Elos 70 system for sale

    Selling my Elos 70 system bundled with light setup. everything is good as new (normal wear and tear and some minor rust on the cabinet door hinges). Looking to get $2700 for the full system. (but could eventually part it out) Elos 70 system (white stand w/ white door) Elos sump 400 Sicce 2.0...
  8. Loaded Elos 70 for sale

    Just refreshing the post: It has been running for just 2 years, everything is good as new (besides some minor rust on the cabinet door hinges). Looking to get $5200 for the full system. (but could eventually part it out) Elos 70 system (white stand w/ white door) Elos sump 400 Sicce 2.0...
  9. Loaded Elos 70 for sale

    Hello there, I finally ended the transition btw the tanks of all my livestock and finally shutdown the system. I still have the whole setup I announced earlier this year and now finally ready to sell pronto.
  10. Loaded Elos 70 for sale

    The Kessil still available. pls pm me if you are interested.
  11. Loaded Elos 70 for sale

    Not yet. I had to hold back on my plans since my new tank have only now arrived (still being set up). So I'm still running the system 70 and will move my livestock to the new tank in a month or so and then sell the tank/skimmer/cabinet, etc. But there are some parts that I'm not running right...
  12. Loaded Elos 70 for sale

    yup, could part out the zeovit reactor + pump.
  13. tank upgrade help!

    hey, thanks do much for all the advice and such a detailed run on your migration experience. I got the advice of emptying my 55g and moving it somewhere else before too and it sounds by far the most logical and safe idea. It's just going to be quite a hard sell to my wife :bigeyes: Living in...
  14. tank upgrade help!

    Hello there, I finally took the plunge and am going to upgrade from my Elos 70 to a 120. Since I'm going to place the new system where the old is right now, will have to figure out how to temporarily house my livestock. Talking and researching here I learned that's a demanding process but not...
  15. Loaded Elos 70 for sale

    Not yet (don't have the exact time frame of my move set yet), but should be in the next couple weeks.
