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Recent content by Mitch

  1. FS: Corals

    Everything is spoken for.
  2. Entire Setup For Sale!

    The entire setup is spoken for.
  3. FS: Corals

    How about $80 for all.
  4. FS: Corals

    Location - Westchester County, NY Corals Branching Frogspawn - Euphyllia paradivisa - 8 heads, $40 Blastomussa - Blastomussa wellsi - 2 heads and a few smaller ones, $25 Green Birdnest Frag - 2", $20 Green Tip Birdsnest Frag - In poor condition but still growing, $5 Green Hairy Mushroom - $5...
  5. Entire Setup For Sale!

    The clean up crew is available now. Here's some info: Clean up Crew 1 Banded Trochus Snail - Trochus sp. 25+ Dwarf Cerith Snails - Cerithium sp. 10+ Nassarius Snails - Nassarius sp. 10+ Florida Cerith Snails - Cerithium sp. 1 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crab - Clibanarius tricolor 1 Rock Boring...
  6. Entire Setup For Sale!

    They are spoken for. The lighting is available once again. Details on the lighting: Fishneedit 24" 4 Bulb T5HO Fixture 2 ATI Aquablue Special Bulbs 2 ATI Blue+ Bulbs 12.5" 6W Ecoxotic Stunner Strip attached Price: $100
  7. Entire Setup For Sale!

    I am going to sell everything in bundles or individually since I got no bites on the whole set up. Here is the stuff that has not been spoken for so far: Fish 1 Banggai Cardinalfish - Pterapogon kauderni - $35 2 Blue/Green Chromis - Chromis viridis - $10 each 1 Royal Gramma - Gramma loreto -...
  8. Entire Setup For Sale!

    Also spoken for.
  9. Entire Setup For Sale!

    These are spoken for, sorry!
  10. Entire Setup For Sale!

    Thanks for the compliments guys. Please PM me if you are interested in purchasing anything. Before I sell anything I am going to wait a few days to see if anyone would like to purchase the entire setup. If not, I will sell everything individually or in bundles. Thanks. I've received messages...
  11. Entire Setup For Sale!

    Location - Westchester County, NY Hello, I am selling off my 17.4 gallon Nano Reef. I am selling all corals, fish, live rock/sand, and equipment. Here's a full tank shot and a few videos to start off: Taken on 1/27/12 Mitch's 17.4g Reef - 8/30/11 Mitch's 17.4g Reef - 9/18/11 Mitch's 17.4g...
  12. FS: Red Sea Pulsing Xenia

  13. FS: Red Sea Pulsing Xenia

  14. FS: Red Sea Pulsing Xenia

    No problem, if you could leave some feedback that would be great. Thanks!
  15. FS: Red Sea Pulsing Xenia

