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Recent content by MooseReef

  1. Established Tangs and Majestic foxface for sale ASAP

    Purple tang 2.5” $150 Majestic fox face 2” $130 Tomini tang 2” $80 All eat like pigs and are fed selcon soaked food daily , come by and feed them Im Not selling you sick fish theyve been with me 6+ months Were bought QT’d no reservations first come first server im available tommorow 1-5 pm and...
  2. Tank shutdown full list

    ?? funny thread, no its not illegal to ask but yeah Im passing on that offer sorry
  3. Tank shutdown full list

    Updated the coral list for remaining stock, starting to sell fish this weekend
  4. Tank shutdown full list

    Selling coral first, then fish , then equipment Dont rush me to sell you something im not ready to sell.. ex: cant sell my lights if I still have coral to get rid of Pickup in south ozone park NY 11420, few mins from JFK Not delivering anything CASH OR ZELLE ONLY! Remaining corals...
  5. SHUTDOWN-Corals for sale (Fish and equipment at later date)

    Messaged you, cash or zelle only please
  6. SHUTDOWN-Corals for sale (Fish and equipment at later date)

    Blue elegance just sold, ill post pics of the green tommorow im out on an errand today Its about 8 inches fully open Green with purple tips
  7. SHUTDOWN-Corals for sale (Fish and equipment at later date)

    Hey most of the sps/softies are still available Im located a few minutes from JFK Pm me if youd like to drop by
  8. SHUTDOWN-Corals for sale (Fish and equipment at later date)

    Bump, most pieces still available
  9. SHUTDOWN-Corals for sale (Fish and equipment at later date)

    Just got back to you thanks
  10. SHUTDOWN-Corals for sale (Fish and equipment at later date)

    Mightve missed pics of things here and there message me if you need pics of something specific
