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Recent content by mrgrtt123

  1. Lighting What’s everyone using for refugium light

    I am using a 9W Innovative Marine Chaetomax Refugium LED Light.
  2. For Sale Clownfish Pair

    I hope that you will be able to get these fishes' new home. I have a clownfish in a biobubble terrarium, it is not that spacious that is can only accommodate a single fish.
  3. Fish Photography

    A fast focusing DSLR will be the best camera to use so that you can get a clear photo of your subject.
  4. Free ClownFIsh

    Have you tried to give it to your friend that has a fish tank at home?
  5. Question Where can I buy RODI water ?

    Have you tried to check Amazon? You can set up your water system in an affordable price.
