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Recent content by NaCl H2O StL

  1. TANK HELP- suggestions/opinions

    Yes it already has live rock... 50-65lbs. My concerns are when I move the sandbed if it is going to cause an ammonia spike.
  2. TANK HELP- suggestions/opinions

    I recently found a crack in the bridge of my 46g bowfront. It has been running for about 18 mos. I have decide to upscale a bit and go to a 55g. I have gotten mixed opinions on whether or not I can just transfer everything over to the new tank without a spike in ammonia. Is it safe or not? I...
  3. HELP- suggestions/opinions

    I recently found a crack in the bridge of my 46g bowfront. It has been running for about 18 mos. I have decide to upscale a bit and go to a 55g. I have gotten mixed opinions on whether or not I can just transfer everything over to the new tank without a spike in ammonia. Is it safe or not? I...
