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Recent content by NaNsoViC

  1. Coral Stourysreef - Frag Tank CLEAR OUT (Coral Packs)

    I just want to say special thanks to Rachid for the beautiful torch coral. ???. He met up with me to deiliver. ??????. He's very fair and reasonable. Can't wait to visit him to see his system and get more stuff. Blessings
  2. Corals

    Maybe if you asked nicely lol
  3. Corals

    Bigs thanks to Arnaldo, got a nice hammer coral from him. Great guy and his tank is amazing. Corals look badass with great color.
  4. Corals

    Where are you located
  5. SPS frags for sale

    Damn Bro I want the Acropora Bali Green slimer, Rainbow Pocillopora, and the Montipora digitata "Bubblegum" / "forest fire". I'm in Staten Island
  6. Anybody Need Rainbow Nems with Bubbles

    Admin please close
  7. Green Pocillopora Colony

    still available and where you located

    Still available hydra32
  9. Coral Small colonies for sale

    Anything available, I work in great neck
  10. SOLD - Entire System for Sale $300 OBO - Jersey City

    Would you part out. Interested in the ATO and the 4 stage RODI
  11. Anybody Need Rainbow Nems with Bubbles

    Dongan Hills
  12. Anybody Need Rainbow Nems with Bubbles

    This is Bump that more Anemone available, small ones and medium size ones. $20 for small on and $30 for medium size ones. Small ones open to 1.5", Medium ones open to 2.5"to3" Hit me up 9173069156
  13. Anybody Need Rainbow Nems with Bubbles

    Have a few left, come get them
  14. Fire Blood Red Shrimp & Coral Banded Shrimp

    I'm looking for a Fire Blood Red Shrimp and Coral Banded Shrimp. I'm willing to trade Red Rainbow Anemone. Let me know, Text at 917-306-9156
  15. Anybody Need Rainbow Nems with Bubbles

    Where in the city?
