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Recent content by nar_luvsu

  1. 75G non reef aquarium with.... for SALE

    Hi All, I'm moving out of state on Job and have to be out of hobby for sometime. I cannot take my tank with me and want to sell it for $400.00 it includes the following. 1. 75 G non reef tank. 2. 10G sump. 3. Protein Skimmer. 4. Dry Rocks about more or less to 100 lbs (Pls bring your own...
  2. 4 month old baby Ocellaris clownfish - $10 each

    If still available, i will take 2
  3. Yellow in 10G tank?????

    Thanks for the replies.
  4. Yellow in 10G tank?????

    My friend has 10 G tank. One of LFS told him to add yellow tang in 10G tank. Can we add yellow tang in 10G tank??
  5. ID please

    It looks like a roots of a tree. I will take a better pic tonight.
  6. ID please

    It is growing all around the rocks. Is it good or bad ?
  7. Free chaeto

  8. Spring clean up

  9. Found some interesting on Craigslist

  10. Zoa's for sale or trade

  11. corals4sale

    Pm'ed you
  12. Free GSP 08824 NJ

  13. N

    Hi, I spoke to Will he said you are going to his place on Friday. can you please gimme ride.

    Hi, I spoke to Will he said you are going to his place on Friday. can you please gimme ride.
