<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mouse:
<strong>I was just thinking that Lava Rock might actually be good for marine tanks after all..... So whats stopping me from using Lava Rock to make live rocks...
Matt... could you report the grain size of the mud, if you know it. I cannot tell from the micrographs as there is no scale shown.
How does it compare to normal DSB style substrate?
[ October 22, 2001: Message edited by: NASAReefKeeper ]</p>
I posted this theory to my local reef group in Houston – MARSH and wanted to get reefs.org take on the idea?
The Mud is not a "Miracle" it is “live” mud...
Hypothesis #1
The Eco Mud is performing much of the same function as a Deep Sand Bed (DSB) with the added feature of impregnated organic...
Matt... you ARE the MAN... really, you are continually trying to base this discussion on fact and not fiction. I would like to add to the thanks for doing the initial stateside tests of this product. I am sure that the manufacturer hates this particular debate and technical investigation.
Here is a note I sent out to the MARSH group in Houston as many were having a hard time understanding how/why someone could/would charge $8 - $10 a pound for something “as cheap as dirt” (I guess that phrase is out now).
“A Miracle is Born”
Lets say that you start looking at filtration and you...
This is a very nice discussion.
However, the success of the system is undeniable. So, given that the scientific evidence points to backyard dirt rather than a substrate collected from a marine environment, is that material evidence to the notion that this is “snake oil”?
The mud must be a...