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Recent content by njreefer

  1. Elos 120 Setup

    looks like i'm staying in the hobby :-)
  2. Elos 120 Setup

    Thanks. Yea i might have to if no one is interested :scratch:
  3. Elos 120 Setup

    My kid is kicking my ***. Figure let someone else with more time enjoy it rather than neglect it.
  4. Elos 120 Setup

    Recently was upgrading my tank with a Elos 120 tank + stand that I picked up from a fellow reefer. But with a 1 yr old, I just haven't been getting the time so looking to get out of the hobby for a while. Willing to sell in parts or the whole setup. Anyone that buys the tank + stand can get the...
  5. AI Vega

    Yea, the controller and lights were plugged in all the time. I've now attached a separate timer to the light fixture so its shuts off during the night. My only thought is there is a short somewhere that shuts down the unit. Very disappointing on a $500 unit just a year old.
  6. AI Vega

    Hi, My Vega module loses power during operation. Its fixed by unplugging the unit and then plugging back in. It just started happenning a week ago and my lights stay off for most of day until I come home and restart the unit. I tried reseting it, the controller has the latest firmware. Is...
  7. 250 Halide Light $40 / 2 Free Damsels

    Hi, Have a 4 year old MW halide 250 watt light available for $40. Located in West Orange, NJ. Can meet at Absolutely fish today or tomorrow. Also, I have 2 free damsels to anyone that wants them. A blue yellow tail and a 3 stripe. The three strip is 2.5 inches and quite a bully.
  8. Two free damselfish

    fish sold, thanks for offers
  9. Two free damselfish

    3 stripe and blue damsel. Each 2-3 inches long and getting aggressive. For free to a good home. Can meet at absolutely fish this weekend or next in nj.
  10. New mushrooms

    thanks, my water is just ok because nitrates are around 10ppm. lets see how they do in their new location at bottom of tank. Could just be a awkward split. I'll try to post a pic after work.
  11. New mushrooms

    Got a new rock with 6-7 mushrooms on it. The mushrooms have really expanded and are 3-4 times the size they were at the fish store. Not sure if thats healthy. 1 mushroom today has shriveled up. My water params are ok but they were pretty close to my 250W metal halide, perhaps 24 inches away. I...
  12. Best Nitrate reduction

    Took out the rocks and rinsed them in fresh water to wash off the algae. Cleaned the sand bed a little. I added a coraline encrusted rock from my other tank in the hopes it will spread to the other rocks quicker. The mangroves are coming in a few days also.
  13. Best Nitrate reduction

    Yea, i will take a look at cleaning my rocks this week and maybe try to leave the lights off for a few days.
  14. Best Nitrate reduction

    I have 3 damsels in there after the ammonia and nitrite went to 0. Thought the nitrate would go from 40 to 0 but it didn't. The vodka dosing seems interesting, an excuse to go to the liquor store at least.
  15. Best Nitrate reduction

    I use RO/DI water with tds around 5. The DSB is interesting, I'll think about that if the mangroves dont work out. I am worried about a ammonia spike if the sand gets stirred though. Currently I am doing 1'' of sand.
