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Recent content by NYCKeith

  1. Max e260

    Looking for best offer of MAX E260 tank. Less than 1 year old. My job has been transferred to Florida and I cannot take the tank with me. Everything is included including Vortech MP10 propeller pump. $2400
  2. Want to buy a red sea reefer 250 or max 260

    I bought one from Manhattan Aquariums in March of this year...can I HIGHLY suggest do not buy it from them nor go to them for any assistance. I have had nothing but problems of all of which occurred because of my novice and their inability to install it correctly. Another month and I may be...
  3. Cyano Issue

    Thanks everyone. It sounds like I have my lights on too long. Will change it down to 6 hours. I have 8 hours full right now with 2 hour fade in fade out. Will also cut down the feeding to twice a day and increase the water changes. Thank you everyone. Will update on how everything goes.
  4. Cyano Issue

    forgot the link http://www.redseafish.com/aquarium-systems/max-aquarium-systems/max-e-series/#unique-identifier Thank you everyone for your input...much appreciated.
  5. Cyano Issue

    I have 2 clowns, Fox Face, wrasse and coral beauty in the tank. I had a wrasse that had died but I couldnt find it and found it about a month ago (3 months after it died). I had ordered a clean up crew about about a month ago and I'm not convinced they all arrived alive. I feed the fish three...
  6. Cyano Issue

    Its a fine grain about an inch and a half deep. Its a 69 gallon Red Sea Max E-260 tank. Yesterday testing was Salinity 1.024 (still is today) Temp 77.4 Nitrate 0ppm Nitrite 0ppm Ammonia 0ppm PH 8.2 Alkalinity 9.8 MG 1600ppm Phosphate .16ppm CA 450PPM did a 20% water change today.
  7. Cyano Issue

    Has anyone had this problem before and can you let me know what you have done to correct it. I have tried everything. None of my parameters are high except MG. I have narrowed it down to it seems to be remaining in my sand but I cannot get it out of there. I do weekly 20% water changes and...
  8. New 75 gallon start up

    welcome....as someone who is also new (March 2017) and trusted the lfs for setting up my tank and all the advise they gave me. Listen to the folks on here. Not sure what store you used but I have been steered wrong multiple times by Manhattan Aquariums to the extent of had to completely start...
  9. Manhattan Reefers!

    Upper East Side and very new to the hobby. Just got my Red Sea aquarium in March and still battling the newbie issues that come with it.
