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Recent content by NYCReefer7

  1. For Sale Leaving Hobby Two Tanks For $1,000 - High End Corals

    Are we still on for this weekend?
  2. FREE!!!!!

    Hi, sorry but someone already claimed. I'll let you know if they flake
  3. FREE!!!!!

    Free hippo tang, tomato clown and rose anemone. Power blew in my family room and killed the equipment on my cube so these guys need a new home asap. I'm located in Chappaqua.
  4. Free pair of maroon clownFish

    Hi where are yoy located?
  5. Goni and shroom for trade

    I have a large goni and a shroom for trade. I mostly want a torch but open to offers.
  6. Pinktail Trigger

    ah man, great price but too big for my tank. glws
  7. Pinktail Trigger

    how big and how much
  8. AI Prime 16 HD and more

    Hi, so $200 for all, and you're in Greenwich, CT? If so then I'm interested
  9. New Here! Hello reefers!

    Welcome to the hobby. As far as rocks, I've always been told that you want a minimum of 1 lb of rock per gallon of water. I don't know much about sponges but as for bristle worms some people like them as part of a cuc and some don't. Personally I did not like them so I removed them. You...
  10. Shoutout! Leaving hobby

    Will you part out?
  11. WTB Pusling Xenia and GSP (Queens)

    I have as much as you want for free 10514
  12. Fish Purple or yellow tang

    Nope, I think that's the new place. I've gotten a few fish from there was scared at first cause it's kind of a dump but they're all happy and healthy a year later
  13. Fish Purple or yellow tang

    Michaels NY Aquatics in Yonkers has them for $100, no need to pay $200
  14. Have coral colonies gotten smaller in size in display tanks since the 1990's and 2000's

    though I haven't been reefing that long I do have an old school mentality. That is why I have stopped buying from "hobbyist". What I have noticed is that they will buy say a single Indo gold torch, for $250.00, grow it out, and say frag it 4 heads off it and then sell each head for $250.00...
  15. For Sale SOLD - Algae Scrubber - CW100

    Might be interested? Are you using a sump and if so could you send or post pics of how it is setup? I'm not handy so I need to see how it is setup in order to get an idea of how it would work and if it is something that I could do. Thank you.
