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Recent content by NYCTURBO


    Where in Queens are you located?

    Where in Queens are you located?
  2. Radion XR30w Pro Gen3 LED

    Bump drop $250
  3. Drilling a Red Sea reefer?

    Not sure if this is going to work but I’m willing to give it a shot. So here goes Red sea reefer 250G2 I removed the overflow weir and the standard Red Sea Plumbing. I’m looking to seal the lower holes with a piece of half-inch glass. And drill the back for ghost overflow or something similar...
  4. Radion XR30w Pro Gen3 LED

    Radion XR30w Pro Gen3 LED With mounting arm $300 excellent condition.
  5. Red Sea reefer 250 G2 TANK ONLY!

    For sale Red Sea reefer 250 G2 54 GAL, 2 months old…replacement tank due to blemishes in glass tank only! 36”L X 20”H X 21”W I was going to set it up but 2 Tanks is enough…$300.

    Not sure if the fish are still available but if they are I’d like to have them let me know thanks

    Not sure if the fish are still available but if they are I’d like to have them let me know thanks

    Where are you Located?

    Where are you Located?
  8. Free Instant Ocean 50g mix

    Interested when can I pick up?
  9. AIO Waterbox - 30 Gal. Like new. $250

    I know it’s an old post but let me know if it’s still available thank you.
  10. Current marine Led light and fluorescent lights.

    36-48 Current marine LED light works perfectly $50. 36 inch fluorescent lights $20 each.
  11. Reef octopus DC water pump

    weekend bump
  12. Reef octopus skimmer NW-150-653OB

    Sold mods please close
  13. Reef octopus DC water pump

  14. Reef octopus DC water pump

    Bump pump is available
