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Recent content by NYreefNoob

  1. items f/s radion and apex

    radion g5 blue xr30 $400 shipped. apex controller with eb832 plus 2 older eb8's, apex ldkr with 2 or 3 disk and 1link no ph probes $500 shipped take $25 off it picking up located in poughquag ny 12570
  2. 45g reef tank f/s

    who makes the tank and any scratches ?
  3. wtb im25 im 30l or im40

    looking for aio only
  4. complete sump package

    all gone please close ty nelson
  5. free rock if picked up this week

    please close thread, rock gone and ty and was nice chatting with you
  6. 3 hanna checkers

    cal, alk and phos checkers maybe used 3 times with extra i do believe cavets and regents $80 shipped, will throw in red sea kit as well
  7. complete sump package

    and a calcium reactor as well. just want it all gone
  8. FISH F/S

    all gone and ty
  9. free rbta's

    all gone sorry for delay
  10. complete sump package

    also forgot kalk reactor as well lol will throw in 36" t5 aqua and brackets to mount radions and a wavemake
  11. complete sump package

    ok tank coming down, mrc sump 48x20x20 i do believe, with built in refugium, return pump, pump to recirc into sump vertex 200 skimmer with neck cleaner, and avast marine waste collector. 40w uv and brs carbon and phos reactor , $300 if truelly serious and can come get pick up is poughquag ny...
  12. free rock if picked up this week

    probably a 100 lb or so, lot of shelf rock. its free pick up poughquag ny 12570 if not gone by saturday will go into the woods
  13. wtb im25 im 30l or im40

    as states looking for one of these 3 tanks
  14. 2 MP40’s $100 for both

    ill take them, lmk when is good and can come to house as i am not far from you. lol the rbta's have quadrupled
  15. free rbta's

    dont feel like dealing with selling i have 8-10 of them. must bring bucket as they are on rocks and not trying to peel them off. i am home this week, pick up is poughquag, ny 12570 in dutchess county north of 84
