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Recent content by Og Drogon

  1. Westchester Richie's 57 Rimless is back

    [No message]
  2. Dry Goods List

    Do you ship to Florida ???
  3. What's your NFL team?

  4. Attention Gamers

    It's okay I guess, cause it was free lol. Hopefully it will be much better since for the ps4 players will have to pay for the inline now. There are lots of stuff that needed upgrading & changing. It's Nothing like the Xbox live.
  5. Attention Gamers

    I've have both 360 & ps3 & like them both...... But I will be going with the ps4. I feel the Xbox controller is way to heavy & it makes my hand sweat 0.o(while the ps3 controller is smaller & lighter) The fact that a camera has to always be on I do not like at all. When the only video game...
  6. 90G Upgrade and Saltwater Conversion

    Where are the stand from? Looks nice............but a bit flimzy(weak)
  7. F/s ac 110

    Jesus that's a great price, which I had a tank again :/ GLWS.
  8. To chiller..or not to chiller??

    I see it this way, if its to hot where your tank is at then get an AC. It Will be the day that I'm sweating looking at my fish swim by in there fur coats :)
  9. Adding salt to established freshwater

    Adding (SALT MENT FOR FRESH WATER) yes. It adds electrolyte needed for South American cichlids I can't speak for other fresh water fish cause I've only had cichlids.
  10. My son's wedding in Korea

    Great looking pic. And congrats Russ.
  11. Got funny pics of your dog(s)?

    My baby tiny :)
  12. Firefish Sleep Upside Down?

    +1 yep does not look good :/ All my fire-fish go under rocks and diaper until the lights come back on. I never had one just lay on the sand like that.
  13. Westchester Richie's 57 Rimless is back

    Wowzers! Great job there. :)
  14. Leds for small tank

