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Recent content by Ole Pukey

  1. Banggai Cardinalfish $1150.00

    Price increase! $1500.00 Willing to frag fish comes with AKC papers and a note from my primary physician free if you take it this weekend
  2. MR. Aqua 28 Gal. Rimless for sale

    think thats a 17 Gallon
  3. Banggai Cardinalfish $1150.00

    will only take wire transfer to bank in Nigeria Seriously this guy needs a new home before i donate it to the store i got it from
  4. Banggai Cardinalfish $1150.00

    I might be able to meet in the city but that's only if I'm able to get sexy shrimp in the city or Brooklyn. Here's the pic you requested Please no trades for plutonium, bologna sandwich or Derek Jeters left testicle(signed)
  5. Banggai Cardinalfish $1150.00

    Purchased from a rare aquatic dealer on the tropical island of neuva york. only eats the finest frozen foods money can buy If you take it this weekend ill knock off $1150.00 Willing to trade for med coffee with hazelnut creamer, wampum or handshake Serious inquires please!! Operators are...
  6. F/S ORA B&W Ocellaris

    What does a nosy pepper do? Gets jalapeno business.
  7. F/S ORA B&W Ocellaris

  8. F/S ORA B&W Ocellaris

    :smile: Lindenhurst Not this weekend. I can meet you at Aquarium Village. Thanks guys
  9. F/S ORA B&W Ocellaris

    30$ She's about 2" and eats anything you give her. I'm letting her go because I downgraded my tank and she needs room to play. Pick up on the weekend. Can meet up at Pets Warehouse in Copiague. Thanks for looking
  10. How big is your nano ?

    Downgrade from Mr. Aqua 33(25x18x18) 33 gal to ADA 60p(24x12x14) 17 gal
  11. White Pom Pom Xenia

    Nice! Can you send me a pic to my phone? Thanks Jae - 631 848 8845
  12. White Pom Pom Xenia

    Looking for one. Can pick up this Saturday Thanks
  13. Swap stuff

    Hey MR, need to make some room so these guys have to go Livestock coral 1. Green Pocillopora - $10 *SOLD 2. ORA BW Ocellaris 1.5"- $30 3. Green & White Hammer 3 heads - $20 *SOLD 4. Daisy Polyps 3"LR - $10 *pending 5. Green w Purple Frogspawn 2.5 heads - $15 *SOLD 6. GSP 3"LR - $10 *SOLD 7...
  14. superman yuma

    When that happens I usually put them on LR in an area with lil or no flow. No need for glue or bands.
