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Recent content by olgakurt

  1. Which Substrate?

    Oolitic or Aragamax Sugar-Sized Sand You want very fine grain sand. I can't believe I'm saying this. You can use play sand (silicate based), but it WILL leach silicate. _________________ Mercedes 240D
  2. Daily Fluctuations

    Without the probes being calibrated, the fluctuations aren't even meaningful unless the error is biased to the high side (unlikely that's the only affect). It's likely the fluctuations will change too. If my pH were that high, I would check right away with a quick bench top test...
  3. Daily Fluctuations

    Not sure the numbers have ANY meaning if the probes haven't been calibrated recently. I would go through that process and then see what your readings and fluctuations are. _________________ china economy
  4. 29 Gallon, DSB or NOT?

    You will support different fauna with different niches. In a small tank, again, I think it is difficult to get long term self-sustaining populations going. So it may be kind of moot, but some fauna may be able to hang on longer than others. I would opt for the rock concentrated in one end/corner...
  5. What would you buy?

    or you could buy a bigger tank and move everything over. Just kidding, if everything is fine, why the need to spend the dough. Save it for a trip to a real reef. _________________ Honda VFR800
  6. 29 Gallon, DSB or NOT?

    I've had a 20 g reef w/a dsb since 1990. IMO, in smaller tanks (like mine) you may be better off working on getting a lot of flow than in trying to get bed depth. Denitrifying conditions can develop in much less than 4" of sand, but in tanks with a small foot print, it is hard to maintain a...
  7. Lighting setup............HELP

    I wouldn't sacrifice the reflector for the 40 watters. What did you start your photo period out with and how have the corals responded? _________________ Irish Forum
  8. Water is green! What do I do?

    The water probably won't test high because all the algae is sucking up the nutrients. I would agree on a change with clean water. I'd also try to get some macro algae in the tank to shade out/compete with the hair algae. Once that stuff gets hold it's hard to eradicate. _________________ Cancer...
  9. Daily Fluctuations

    I'd be concerned with the pH and upper limit to the fluctuation. 8.75 is on the high side to me. What are you dosing, kalk? _________________ Honda CG125
  10. another killer Caulerpa (C. brachypus in FL) article

    Invasive Algae Smothering Florida Coral Reefs By Cat Lazaroff PALM BEACH, Florida, - An invasive, coral smothering seaweed has spread like a green tide across the reefs along the south Florida coast. Recent reports from divers and fishers show that the seaweed has become so thick on reefs in...
  11. MH bulb question

    This is from a garden discussion (growing peppers) and someone was asking me about the difference in size of these two bulbs. I think they ordered one which is a different size than what's in their pendant. Does anyone know how these two types are classified so they can gett the right one next...
  12. 'oil slick' on water surface?

    If the surface is well agitated, you don't really need to get a surface skimmer. It would help, but probably not significantly. _________________ Volvo Vehicles
  13. 'oil slick' on water surface?

    Did you clean the pump/impeller well when you were cleaning the skimmer? _________________ us recessions
  14. 'oil slick' on water surface?

    It is a bio-film. If you're having trouble with your skimmer, point a powerhead at the surface until you see it well agitated. Freeing the surface of the skim helps aid exchange of oxygen into the water. _________________ the global economy
  15. MH unit, need help with setting it up

    doesn't look like you have anything to acclimate. I'd shoot for ~ 6" off the water surface. and ramp up the photoperiod from 4 hours so that you don't get too big of an algae problem to start. _________________ Television shows Forum
