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Recent content by papagimp

  1. Help me connect a 50G to my current 75G setup.

    I would think it best to use one central sump/fuge for a setup like this. Or at least one central sump and one central fuge. Vs. trying to have each tank with there own and "tie" ing them together. Too much hassle in my opinion. Maybe do a fuge under the one tank and a sump under the other...
  2. 20g tank lighting - noob

    If it's a 20long then some powercompacts would be more than sufficient. If it's a 20Tall, PC's would work, but I'd personally look into t5's. But I like more LPS in my tank than shrooms.
  3. Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    Trust me when I say that a picture does not speak a thousand words in this instant, you just have to see the babis up close and personal to see how cute they really are. especially the guys who figured out that I'm the one making food fall in the tank, they come running up to the glass...
  4. whats a good fish/coral for a beginner to breeder?

    it's all preferences, I have sand in mine, and a urchin now. I have two batches of babies together right now, but if they get much bigger they'll be able to eat any new young I put in there. It's just going to depend upon their size and all. I'm playing it by ear at the moment.
  5. whats a good fish/coral for a beginner to breeder?

    oh, one more thing. If you read through that bangaii breeding manual I posted up, they say the bangaii's tend to congregate around the sand flats and sea grass beds. It may be better to mimic this. I only have two chunks of artificial rock in my bangaii's 20g. I'm going to try and "plant"...
  6. whats a good fish/coral for a beginner to breeder?

    I have a few blue legged hermit i just put in the 20g breeding tank, not sure if it was a wise move or not yet. but i wanted something in there to take care of some of the overfeeding I'm prone too. I think a 2.5 may be small, I'm actually going to turn my 2.5 into a normal nano and start...
  7. Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    yes I have a few pics. Heres a link to my reefcentral photo album: breeding folder. Theres are some pics of the parents and babies and there 2.5gallon nano grow out tank. http://reefcentral.com/gallery/showgall ... 21&thumb=1 I also have several listed on my flickr account as well, heres a...
  8. Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    I've been feeding cyclopeeze after reading the success's using this as a first food. All my bangaii babies, 1st and 2nd batch are eating this stuff like hotcakes! The smallest and newest babies are even eating it right from the surface. The larger guys still wait for it to float around the...
  9. whats a good fish/coral for a beginner to breeder?

    check under the breeding folder, I've got a few pics that may or may not help ya out. http://reefcentral.com/gallery/showgall ... 00&thumb=1 Also, there are a few pics of my phtyoplankton culturing station here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/papagimp/
  10. whats a good fish/coral for a beginner to breeder?

    oh, read this article on breeding bangaii's. I based most my practices from what I've found and read here: http://www.raingarden.us/banggaimanual.pdf
  11. whats a good fish/coral for a beginner to breeder?

    You probably can't sex them. Best way would be to get a group of young juvi's. Bangaii's have almost a 1m:1f ratio so odds are a small group of 4-6 will give you a compatible pair. Second, I let the male hold his clutch, yourun the risk of the babies becoming fish food, this can be alleviated...
  12. whats a good fish/coral for a beginner to breeder?

    Definatly on the Cardinals, moreso, get a Bangaii Cardinal, they completly skip the larval stage and the male will release free swimming fry who start hunting for pods almost instantly, and can be fed on bbs. Very super easy to breed.
  13. Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    Mine just spawn again sunday, third time in less than 3 months. the baby grow out tank is getting full now.
  14. Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    so they mouth brood similarly then? Do you happen to have estimates on incubation times or anything? Not that it really makes a difference, my bangaii's don't follow the normals for that either. held the last batch of eggs for 32 days before they hatched. Then only held those for 4 days.
  15. Culturing Phytoplankton

    fwiw, I get by on my cultures just fine using a simple clamp light and one of those spiral bulbs from home depot. Color spectrum hasn't seem to ahve made a single difference either. I've gone from 2200k to 6800k and they all seem to work for me. And who said TET is the easiest! I ordered my...
