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Recent content by pcmankey

  1. If you had to start over

    Sand Bed - Possibly go with deep in sump, 2" in show tank Lighting - Metal Halide and VHO (my 175W MH has no adverse effects on LPS and Soft corals that I have.) Fish - Right after it cycled, add more as I decided what I really wanted. I found that I change my mind, so I would take it slower...
  2. Chillers Coil vs. Flow-through

    I have an AquaController and the digital temp controller that came with my chiller--I do like having the redundancy with the chiller control.
  3. Chillers Coil vs. Flow-through

    It is true that an a drop-in has to be close to the tank, but with an in-line you have to consider either buying another pump for the chiller with all it's own space, heat, and noise, or you have to buy a bigger return pump, or you have to accept the head loss associated with all the new...
  4. X10 placement?

    I have an IceCap 660 and (2) IceCap 175W MH ballasts on X10 modules controlled by an AquaController. I have no problems. There is a very simple modification (one cut) you can make to the appliance modules that usually cures the problem--at least with IceCap...
  5. Technical Lighting Question

    Research the chlorophyll absorption spectrum and go from there.
  6. Best lights after MH?

    Check out http://oceanencounter.com for great MH prices--you can get an Ice Cap 175W electronic ballast with a 10K AB bulb for $159. The PFO ballasts are only half what the electronic ones are (I believe $119 for dual 175W PFO). Anyway, give them a look.
  7. Woman in distress over clash of the titans.

    Possibly two of his three are a mated pair and the third one is the odd man out. Do you see your shrimp eating or trying to eat pods? I am wondering if my cleaner shrimps are decimating the population at night.
  8. Anyone have moonlight lamps??

    I have a 25W "Party Light" hooked up and controlled with my AquaController that adjusts the brightness for phases of the moon as well as duration. It looks really cool, but does seem a tad bright--it doesn't cover my whole tank which I like now, so there is some complete darkness also. I also...
  9. Woman in distress over clash of the titans.

    I have two and they never fight--only mate--they hang out together all the time. I think it is a case of two's company and three's a crowd.
  10. Lights of America Over Refugium?

    I don't know about the WalMart light but the LOA from Home Depot is an outdoor light so it is perfect for being over water--the wiring is minimal, all you do is wire a plug cord.
  11. Lights of America Over Refugium?

    I just bought a 65W LOA at Home Depot last week.
  12. Running 250's want to change to 175's to much heat.

    I have soft and LPS only and I am curious exactly what extra "work" vs. fun do you have to do since you got SPS? Thanks
  13. Lights of America Over Refugium?

    I originally had the 18W and although the caulerpa didn't die it didn't really grow either. I just switched it out for the 65W and it looks 10 times brighter and much whiter. I would go with that one. Also, the 65W is long enough to fit right on top of the tank (I have a 20 long--I think it's...
  14. Aqua Logic chiller failure; a long and sad story

    That's crazy, they shipped a 100pds overnight for free? I thought I got a good shipping deal when I got my 1/4 CSL sent from NY to CA for $11.
  15. Aqua Logic chiller failure; a long and sad story

    Get an Aquacontroller--I have one and the CSL controller on my chiller for redundancy. Come on, "SoCal Aquarist" is obviously a plant, a mole, a spy, a pry, a double agent, a scout, an undercover man, a watcher, an operative, a Mata Hari, or an owner/agent of AQL. Take your pick.
