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Recent content by psiico

  1. AquaC Remora Problem

    Bingo. Those are no good with skimmers, like adding suds to a bath.
  2. QT a Mandarin?

    Don't quote me on this but mandarins have a slime coat. They don't usually get ich or other parasites because of this so you may not need to QT them. but like I said, don't quote me on that.
  3. Serious Problem

    I have the same thing, 3 month old tank. Only 3 rics and an open brain in there, 2 fish. It's a 29g. I was overfeeding and I only got my skimmer a bit more then a week ago. I have a porcelain crab, 3 small featherdusters and an oyster, hopefully they'll help clear it up. It only got really...
  4. What does Gut Load mean?

    Yeah, don't feed guppies and goldfish to marines. It'll kill your predator eventually. Ruins their livers.
  5. What does Gut Load mean?

    Have them eat something nutritious, so they become nutritious. Brine shrimp in particular are basically just shell, like eating cardboard. But if you "gut load" them, load their guts, with something like Selcon they now take on the nutritional properties of Selcon. Dr. Ron says they can't eat...

    Use kalk, liquid calcium adds only calcium and won't help buffer your alkalinity. Unless you are using a two part additive, like B-Ionic. Liquid calcium is calcium chloride and will leave excess chloride ions in your tank. Long term use can cause problems. However you can use it short term...
  7. Want a Hard Coral.

    Don't forget open brains! Not dome shaped per se, but nice and no sweepers to deal with. When they open up they are somewhat dome shaped. I love my red open brain.
  8. Lets see those blennies!

    That's a cool pic, NKT.
  9. what will eat friggen diatoms off my sand?!

    The ceriths in my 29g are all about an inch long. I have 6 or 8, I forget how many now, lol. Equal number of nassarius and nerites and 3 astreas, fighting conch is coming, it's on order.
  10. Water Clarity

    Kent Pro-Clear. Sadly it comes in a 236ml bottle (8oz) and you'll likely only need 10 ml or so. Not the best way to fix the problem, but it works. You still need to find the cause and solve it that way.
  11. skimmer?

    Yeah, the Euro is a venturi. Some info here: http://www.euro-reef.com/
  12. Coraline...

    In my tank I mixed liverock, dead base rock and homemade aragocrete (aragonite sand and white portland cement) in approximately equal ratios. Red started to sprout first on the base rock, nothing on the aragocrete at that time. Then green started and quickly overran the red. About this time...
  13. what will eat friggen diatoms off my sand?!

    Cerith snails! I can't believe no one mentioned them. They move slow, so get a dozen or more for a 75g. I have 6 in my 29g and never see diatoms on my sand. It's a new tank and I was having outbreaks, but no longer, at least not that I can see. They eat it first. They also go on the rock...
  14. Brittle star missing arm.

    I read that they can generate new legs, but not usually in aquaria. The big ones, that is, like linkia and stuff. I think I read that, lol. I could be wrong. I have a brittle and a serpent. The serpent I noticed 4 days ago is torn on his central disc. The disc is about an inch across and...
  15. skimmer?

    For the 55 I'd say the Remora from what I've read. I can tell you more next week when mine comes, I just ordered one. For a 100 gallon with sump I'd buy a Euro-Reef if it was me. From what I've heard they can't be beat. Pricey, but you get what you pay for.
