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Recent content by Quang

  1. Tank Thread Tank reached 38 years old...in 2009!

    Haha what a great story, Paul. Glad to see you, the family, and tank all doing so well. To retire in Sicily with a reef tank would be quite the dream.
  2. Jackson's Custom 115G Cube Build

    looking good Rich, love the Acan and Ricordea nuggets
  3. Jackson's Custom 115G Cube Build

    Dang it. Good luck brother
  4. Why do so many people leave the hobby?

    Another classic Paul B thread, love it On the flip side, some of those same things that make people leave are also the ones that make me want to get back in it. Long time members on this forum are good people and it's been great to have met them through this hobby.
  5. MikeC?s Custom Reefoman 140G Rimless Peninsula Build

    amazing tank!
  6. Nanoreefer22's 200g DD Build

    Aw shoot, all grown up... the tank that is. Looks great Kris.
  7. A request for prayers

    Kathy, my prayers will be the least I can do. Please let me know if you need anything.
  8. Why do you have a reef?

    Because it's the closest I'll get to playing God with living creatures.
  9. Tonyscoots84's 120 gallon tank upgrade

    nice growth tony. looking good!
  10. Getting back in it

    Kris, vendor? Hustlin' Ulmo, how's my golden torch doing? :)
  11. Getting back in it

    From the online pics, I'm not a fan of the unpolished look of the filter and lamp-style light fixture. Curve glass is big plus though.
  12. Getting back in it

    Thanks for the warm reception, guys. egriesner, I really like that tank! Ebay has it a bit cheaper fyi. What bad things have ppl said about it?
  13. Getting back in it

    I'm a nano guy. Got my eye on the EcoPico Desktop Reef, unless someone knows something better?
  14. WTB: EcoPico Desktop Reef

    Could order it online, but would rather do business with a fellow reefer if any of you are partners with them. -Q
  15. RSVP: MR Fall Frag Swap 2013 - Sunday November 17th

    Rsvp'd Transaction ID : 64P40610LH7757101
