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Recent content by Quarri

  1. Desperately seeking help!

    Apologies for the previous double post. I have just come back from checking on the tank...After almost 3 hours, the tank is back up to 83 degrees and holding. Everything appears to be ok (to my untrained eye); the two clownfish are energetic, and all of the corals have opened back up and look...
  2. Desperately seeking help!

    I'm afraid that I don't know how many watts the heater is...I believe that the tank is a 10-gallon one, but am not positive. My friends are currently away on a camping trip in Florida; they have called me a couple of times, but I have no way of contacting them, as they don't have a cell phone...
  3. Desperately seeking help!

    I'm afraid that I don't know how many watts the heater is...I believe that the tank is a 10-gallon one, but am not positive. My friends are currently away on a camping trip in Florida; they have called me a couple of times, but I have no way of contacting them, as they don't have a cell phone...
  4. Desperately seeking help!

    Hello all, I confess that I myself am not a keeper of a marine aquarium, but I am tank-sitting a couple of saltwater tanks for some good friends who are on vacation. In the middle of the night the power went off and came back on again immediately thereafter. Because the power came on again...
