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Recent content by RChevrier11

  1. FOR SALE: Biocube 8 full set up

    Really need to sell this... make me an offer
  2. FOR SALE: Biocube 8 full set up

    Edit: SOLD
  3. Hammers/Frogspawns for sale

    UPDATED --- New Coral Listed -- #12 -- Green Tip Hammer
  4. Hammers/Frogspawns for sale

    updated again....
  5. Hammers/Frogspawns for sale

    original post updated....
  6. Hammers/Frogspawns for sale

    Everything is SOLD
  7. Found this fish

    sweet little picture, i like it.
  8. Fish Pics and Newly acquired SPS

    nice photos and nice looking tank.
  9. Clownfish Gone Wild!

    those are beautiful
  10. moving day is finally here

    good luck!
  11. WTB Onyx Clownfish

    Looking for two, maybe more, small onyx clownfish. Would prefer to have them younger so I can watch them mature and color up. Let me know. -Ryan
