I also share my reefing on YouTube. I'm not a "content provider" or "influencer", just a Reefer looking to help and learn from others. It also allows me to look back and remember things I forget about! 😆
Thank you! Yeah, it only took about 50 shots to get the right photo, but so worth it! Photography and videography are side hobbies of reefing that I enjoy.
Thank you! I hope to help others and learn as much as possible. I have been on other forums and sites, but just discovered this one. I look forward to expanding my search here, and contributing where I can.
I'm finally using this account, and thought I'd say hello to everyone! I have been in reefing for about 6 years, and have five tanks. Here's a pic of my four year old 75 gallon sps tank. Happy Reefing!