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Recent content by Reefer Matt

  1. New Here! Hey Reefers!

    I also share my reefing on YouTube. I'm not a "content provider" or "influencer", just a Reefer looking to help and learn from others. It also allows me to look back and remember things I forget about! 😆 https://youtube.com/@Reefer_Matt?feature=shared
  2. Photos! Some photos to share...

    Thank you! Yeah, it only took about 50 shots to get the right photo, but so worth it! Photography and videography are side hobbies of reefing that I enjoy.
  3. New Here! Hey Reefers!

    Thank you! I hope to help others and learn as much as possible. I have been on other forums and sites, but just discovered this one. I look forward to expanding my search here, and contributing where I can.
  4. New Here! Hey Reefers!

    I'm finally using this account, and thought I'd say hello to everyone! I have been in reefing for about 6 years, and have five tanks. Here's a pic of my four year old 75 gallon sps tank. Happy Reefing!
  5. Photos! Some photos to share...

    Hey Reefers! I'm Reefer Matt. I'm new here, but have been around in other places, and on youtube. Thought I'd share some pics! 😁
