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Recent content by Reefs Creation

  1. Maxspect LED and stuff

    You got it Doug. Just pm or text me to let me know when you like to stop by.
  2. Elos70, equipment, fish and everything else...

    Sorry to hear about the break down. Beautiful set up and great deal! GLWS Eddie.
  3. Maxspect LED and stuff

    Hey guys. I got a bunch of stuff lying around and want to get rid of. Some products are new , some slightly used, and some free. I am located in Queens. Pm me if you have any questions. Maxspect G2 110w (Modified by replacing some orginal white led with cree royal blue leds) Looks 20k with all...
  4. Kres' 90G Reef

    Wow Kres, I am impressed. Good job.
  5. Ai vega trouble

    I would get the working one to red first, then press the button on the one you are having trouble with for at least 10 seconds or until it flashes different colors, then you can release it. Then try finding it with the controller.
  6. Swc 120 skimmer fs

    Great Skimmer and price. I used to have one for my old 75g.
  7. Need cheato

    I have some. PM me.
  8. Mp10 wes

    Welcome back Sammy. PM me.
  9. Need some help Programming LEDs with Apex

    No problem. It should work once you make the correct adjustments. Good luck.
  10. Need some help Programming LEDs with Apex

    Ok, lets see.. You have total of 4 actual outlets (Rt.Fixture-(3_3) , Lt.Fixture-(3_5) , BluLED and WhtLED ) ? I think once you add a VDM module, BluLED and WhtLED appears? Its probably for AI leds settings. You dont need any commands in there and should have them always on. Its the virtual...
  11. Need some help Programming LEDs with Apex

    Also, you are supposed to put all the commands that you have in your BluLED and WhtLED to your virtual outlets (VarSpd ...) instead.
  12. Need some help Programming LEDs with Apex

    I am guessing there are conflicting commands somewhere. Try setting Rt.Fixture-(3_3) and Lt.Fixture-(3_5) to always on instead of on timer.
  13. kwong1998 Swap frag

    Great list Kevin. pm sent.
  14. Reefs Creation's Swap List

    Thanks John. One of each right? You got it Sam. Thanks for stopping by Brian. Mike, thanks for the kind words. See you at the swap. Will do Oliver. Everything except for the one that you mentioned. All pm replied. Thanks.
  15. Reefs Creation's Swap List

    Hi everybody. Heres my swap list for sunday. Paypal to reserve and pick up at the swap. PM me with any questions. See you guys soon. All corals listed are aquacultured, not wild. RC Darth Maul Chalice - $40 ( plug size ) Emerald Mummy Eye - $45 ( 1-2 large eye plug size ) RC Pastel Chalice...
