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Recent content by Rich114

  1. Arctica DBM250 Chiller, (2) Kessil AP700’s & (2) Iwaki MD-20RXT’s

    Yes it is…I’m in Staten Island
  2. 60gl AIO

    PM'd you
  3. Arctica DBM250 Chiller, (2) Kessil AP700’s & (2) Iwaki MD-20RXT’s

    -Arctica DBM250 Chiller $600 (used for 8 months) -Kessil AP 700’s $350/each (used for 1 year) -Iwaki MD-20RXT (Japanese made) $150/each (used for 1 month)
  4. For Sale Fish and Rocks

    PM'd you...I'll take all 3
  5. R

    Hi, Are the MarinePure 8x8x4 blocks? Where are you located? Thanks! Rich

    Hi, Are the MarinePure 8x8x4 blocks? Where are you located? Thanks! Rich
  6. For Sale-265 Gallon Tank

    Yes it is
  7. For Sale-265 Gallon Tank

  8. For Sale-265 Gallon Tank

    I have a 265 Gallon Tank (84'x24"x30") that was used as a sump up until a few weeks ago. No leaks, drilled on right side and for overflow box. $100 PM me if interested &/or need more pictures.
  9. Free Free - Lots Of STuff Just broke down 55 Gallon Salt Tank

    Did you get rid of this stuff? I'll come today and grab the 55 Gallon tank & filter if that's ok?
  10. Fish Bellus angel pair / Rose banded fairy wrasse

    All these fish still available?
  11. Equipment for sale, North Jersey

    I'm assuming you sold the HSA-1000?
  12. Abyzz A400 Pump

    Thanks for the response!
  13. Abyzz A400 Pump

    Abyzz I'm assuming you sold this pump?
