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Recent content by Rori

  1. CoralFactory Grand Opening!

    ok thats it i'm stopping there today after work
  2. CoralFactory Grand Opening!

    argggg i won't be back to the 5th .. darn it!
  3. web hosting?

  4. What not to do with your new McCoskers Wrasse

    OH my god that was hysterical..You made me spit out my coffee! thanks for the laugh and I await many other adventures.. Rori
  5. New Guy Here!

    hey shad.. welcome to MR.. you can't go wrong here.. great folks :)
  6. Mr softee vs hard ice cream

    well here is MY 100th post (woot finally reefberry).. there's just something about mr. softee that brings me back to when I was a kid.. (YES there are better tasting ice creams..).. but there's something about on a summer afternoon hearing that trucking coming down the street.. that well frankly...
  7. Top Down Photo Box....

    really awesome stuff! great pics!
  8. *sobs* I have aliens in my tank

    except they aren't translucent and i'm not sure about the antennae
  9. *sobs* I have aliens in my tank

    link isn't working chief
  10. *sobs* I have aliens in my tank

    not overnight but yeah they are disappearing..
  11. *sobs* I have aliens in my tank

    No I don't have a pic, they are too damn fast for me to take pictures of.. But they are killing my zoos. Think of a shrimp you would by in a store (that curved look).. brownish in color... and about the size of half your pinky nail. Slowly but surely they are having a feeding frenzy in my tank...
  12. Greenwich Aquaria Preview

    ok leslie.. when we going up there! MR road trip anyone?
  13. MR Vendor recommendations..

    32bit.. I have bought from both Deep (aka Ronen) and House of Fish.. I have zero complaints, they have great stuff .. and good vendors becasue they help you choose what will be and thrive in your tank and they follow up to see if you have any problems / questions whatever (no knocking any other...
  14. how many hours do you watch your tank ?

    usually i get home about 7ish.. till i go to bed.. so in between that time i'm constantly looking back on the tank :)
