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Recent content by rrcg50

  1. RBT FS & rbt w/pair of maroons

    How about shipping If so I'll take them with the anemone
  2. Wtb bio balls

    Let me know Also what size are they
  3. Wtb bio balls

    How much do you want for them. Will you ship
  4. Wtb bio balls

    Looking for a large amount
  5. Bio Balls

    I still want these Just buy a big box and shop out to me Get rid of all of them at once
  6. Clownfish Gone Wild!

    He no longer has them Eazy al does
  7. Clownfish Gone Wild!

    I would love to get those to breed in my tanks
  8. Bio Balls

    If you change your mind I'm willing to pay the shipping
  9. Bio Balls

    Are you willing to ship I'm interested
  10. Clownfish Gone Wild!

    I don't know. It's a friends. He got it from me a year or so ago. He dropped the pic in another thread of mine so I thought Id share it here
  11. Clownfish Gone Wild!

    I told you I love me some picassos
  12. Clownfish Gone Wild!

    Here's a friends of mine clown that he got from me a year or so ago
  13. Clownfish Gone Wild!

    Yah I know I'm looking for a big pair of gsm's Please don't tell my other fish they get upset.
  14. Clownfish Gone Wild!

    Me love me some pr gringos. :) Thanks They are some cool looking fish. I love picassos,but there are some others that I have love for 2
  15. Clownfish Gone Wild!

    Also working on a all black Picasso and an all black snowflake
