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Recent content by SaltDog

  1. Fish Food Recommendations

    Hi guys, Thanks for the suggestions... sorry I didn't check back sooner. I will definately try out the New Life Spectrum products. Straining the frozen food also sounds like a good idea... just trying to figure out an "elegant" way to do it. All of my animals love to eat (from the Blue Regal...
  2. Fish Food Recommendations

    Len, Thanks for the reply... can you tell me how (and how much of) the food is administered to your fish daily? Anyone else reading this... please feel free to jump in - the more expertise... the better! I am amazed at how hard it is to find a straight-forward answer in this hobby. Thanks...
  3. Fish Food Recommendations

    Hi All, This is my first post on this forum. Let me apologize in advance - because I'm sure this topic has been discussed ad nauseum in the past; but I didn't find much after searching the current threads... so I'll go ahead and ask: "What fish food works best for you?" My reef tank just...
