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Recent content by Seabiscuit

  1. Thinking of Setting up a Reef Tank

    Thanks for your help, everyone! :) I'll be sure to look into everything before I make any final decisions.
  2. Thinking of Setting up a Reef Tank

    Thanks, everyone. Excluding the financial side, what exactly is the benefit of having a smaller system? Less organisms to worry about? I've been told that bigger tanks are usually easier to take care of in terms of water quality and shifting temperatures. :|
  3. Thinking of Setting up a Reef Tank

    Hello. As you can probably tell from the title, I was thinking of getting a 90 gallon reef tank. Inhabitants would include an Ocellaris Clown, Royal Gramma, Yellow Tang and a Red Starfish, as well as some soft corals and polyps, and a few cleaning inverts. I'm 12 years old (going on thirteen in...
