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Recent content by sighthoundlover

  1. Longnose / Big Longnose butterfly not eating? help

    I bought a Longnose ( or Big Longnose butterfly-can't really tell) and put it in my quarantine tank for a little over two weeks - but it was just not eating anything! :? On rare occassions I would see it take a tiny, tiny remnant of food but the rest would be ignored and I'd have to scoop it...
  2. Little steel gray egg looking things - algae?

    Well, I think mine are Dictyospheria. The description is that they "form mats of small bubbles in a tight vicinity of each other in an irregular pattern and their growth follows the shape of the live rock or item they are growing on. Fast growing, these rough bubble species can cover rocks...
  3. Little steel gray egg looking things - algae?

    That's what it is! Thanks guys! I read a lot of different ways to take care of the problem - emerald green crabs, sailfin tangs, etc. but decided the fastest and most reliable way to get rid of it was to pick it out by hand - which I did. I got most of it anyway :D .
  4. Little steel gray egg looking things - algae?

    I have a 75 gallon tank with a royal gramma, an ocellaris, a cleaner shrimp, a sea cucumber and live rock and I have these things that look like little steel gray eggs clumped together on the rock :? . A friend at my LFS said they were some sort of algae. At first there was only one clump but...
  5. Pulsing Xenia Care

    I have a 75 gallon tank with lots of live rock, a royal gramma, a true clown, a fairy wrasse and a cleaner shrimp that eats from my hand. 8) Someone gave me a pulsing Xenia today. I'd like to make sure I understand the basic care requirements because I've never had a coral before. I placed...
  6. reddish brown and brown algae on the substrate?

    Well, here's the thing. My water has 0 phosphates when I test it using a Sea-Chem kit. I use distilled water for my water changes and Phosgard in my Emperor 400. I don't see it "blowing around" - it just sits on the sand. I feed only frozen food - no flake. I do feed everybody 2 times a...
  7. reddish brown and brown algae on the substrate?

    I've had my present 75 gallon tank up and running since February. It has live rock, a cleaner shrimp and a royal gramma, some hermit crabs and a few turbo snails ( I'm going slow). There is no hair algae. I do have what I think is a lot of pretty purple coraline algae. It has recently started...
  8. Red-footed hermit crabs

    Can anyone tell me how long one would expect a red-footed hermit crab to live? I ask because I started out in February with 30 but I don't think I have that many anymore. I have a 75 gallon tank with live rock, a very healthy and gregarious cleaner shrimp, a happy, beautiful royal gramma, a...
  9. Hang-on UV sterilizer

    I bought an 18 watt hang-on UV sterilizer by CustomSea Life, had it about two months when the light went out. I called them, opened it up with their instructions and there had been a short - smelled awful - and I thought it was a fire hazard. :evil: They told me they had experienced the...
  10. More quarantine & fresh water dip advice

    Well, I'm looking for all the expert advice I can get! :wink: I had a great 75 gallon tank for 6 or 7 months and then Marine Velvet hit and wiped out practically everything. :( I had not used quarantine for any of my fish prior to that. I tried to dip them in freshwater while this was...
  11. More quarantine & fresh water dip advice

    Thank you both for responding. Sounds like using copper prophylactically wasn't a good idea. I think I read about it in the book by Robert Fenner. He also proposes fresh water dips prior to quarantine. I've heard lots of people say that fresh water dips can kill the fish so I've been...
  12. Quarantine tank - to medicate or not to medicate that is...

    Thank you both for responding. Sounds like this wasn't a good idea. I think I read about it in the book by Robert Fenner. He also proposes fresh water dips prior to quarantine. I've heard lots of people say that fresh water dips can kill the fish so I've been frightened to do it. Any advice?
  13. Quarantine tank - to medicate or not to medicate that is...

    I have my first quarantine tank and have a Royal gramma in it. It's now been 2 weeks and he's doing fine. :) I started out with copper in the tank and with the water changes it has dwindled down to practically nothing. I was wondering what the going belief on medicating new arrivals is? It...
  14. Questions about new quarantine tank

    After having a disater with Marine Velvet in my 75 gallon tank several months ago :evil: , I started over :cry: . My 75 gallon now has been doing great for 2 months with a common cleaner shrimp and many hermit crabs and snails. I even have grown two feather duster worms on the live rock! :)...
  15. Help with choosing compatible fish

    Thanks again Dave. Appreciate the help! :D
